Prolight+Sound 2016: SALZBRENNER media Presents: The POLARIS evolution Theatre Release
Frankfurt, 5th of April 2016: at Prolight+Sound 2016 in Frankfurt (Germany), SALZBRENNER media will be premiering the Theatre release of its POLARIS evolution audio platform. While most new features are related to an even more intuitive user interface, others allow users to work more flexibly and efficiently. Like the entire system, all new features are software-based and require no hardware modifications.
One of the most important additions is the ability to edit existing and new projects using Apple-based devices without connecting them to a POLARIS scala DSP unit (true offline editing): all changes can be transferred easily and swiftly to the system when they are required or when the opportunity arises.
New Features at Prolight+Sound 2016
The system now comes with a fully-fledged theatre automation system, which includes a significantly expanded cue list, and the ability to remote control the venue’s lighting system via DMX or MIDI directly from POLARIS evolution. The channel assignment system has been revamped to support flexible, dynamic sequencing of EQ and dynamics blocks (gate, compressor, expander, etc.) in the desired order. This application and project-based mixer configuration, along with the ability to configure only the number of channels needed for the performance at hand, are major efficiency boosters and vital for an intuitive and stress-free working environment.
Another highlight is POLARIS evolution’s source/destination management. This handy routing tool is now so intuitive that even large numbers of sources and destinations can be routed in seconds, without the slightest glitch. The tool includes a grouped assign function for related channels (e.g. the entire drum kit or the entire string section).
Compatible with the New NIO xcel Series
Equally new and exciting at Prolight+Sound 2016 is the NIO xcel series (NIO = Networked Input/Output) of Dante™-based network audio interfaces, which are fully compatible with POLARIS evolution. This allows users to take advantage of a rugged, high-quality and intuitive Audio-over-IP solution provided by SALZBRENNER media.
During the Prolight+Sound show (05th to 08th of April 2016), visitors of SALZBRENNER media’s booth (E21, hall 4.1) will have ample opportunity to experience and test the POLARIS evolution platform.